Marcus Urbanski

Marcus Urbanski

Specialist areas

Postural correctionBespoke planPersistent motivationBoxingWeight lossStrength and conditioningSport specific trainingSpecial populationsNutritional guidanceMuscle tone and development


MsC Strength & ConditioningLevel 3 Personal TrainerLevel 2 Gym Instructor

About me

You’re reading this because you want to make a change in your life for the better and you’re not quite sure what’s holding you back.

Tired of traditional, repetitive classes and training? I have a bespoke set of services for men looking to gain muscle and women trying to tone and build their posterior chain.

If you are a woman trying to tone or build lower body muscle; I have built a progressive set of classes with a community of like minded women, that answers the issues that you are working through right now. We perform a variety of classes that build the lower body posterior chain which result in life changing mindset and body transformation.

For men, I provide clear, concise goals and periodised training that changes regularly to accommodate life and body changes, blow through strength plateaus and build lean muscle.

It won’t be easy. But at the top of the mountain it’s a beautiful view.

Contact me