Amber Knights

Amber Knights

Specialist areas

Bespoke planWeight lossNutritional guidanceMuscle tone and developmentBody confidence


Level 2 Exercise To MusicLevel 2 Gym InstructorLevel 3 Personal TrainerIndoor cyclingICG Indoor Cycling Power Trainer

About me

Hi i’m Amber, I’ve worked in the fitness industry
since 2018 training clients from ages 20’s-60’s. I
offer 1:1, 2:1 and small group personal training.
A little about me.. I was a pretty lazy teen who
HATED exercise, binged naughty food (then felt
bad about it) and struggled with my mental health.
I dipped in & out of gym’s and fitness classes in my
late teens, but nothing ever stuck.
The light bulb moment hit me when I began weight
training and realised how empowering training can
be. Rather than punishing and hating my body I
started to love it for what it was learning to do.

Client Testimonial:

‘One of the best things about training with Amber is
that she is so real and knows we’re all human. She will
push you but is also very considerate with it. Feeling
like you are winning at life by actually understanding
how to use the once ‘terrifying machines’ in the gym is
a great feeling’
‘ On the whole I feel so proud of myself, I’ve never
stuck to eating well & exercising, now I have and that’s
down to you and your way of helping me understand
what is needed and that life continues’

‘I can’t recommend Amber enough!!!

Contact me