Tumise Ogunmilua

Tumise Ogunmilua

Specialist areas

Postural correctionBespoke planPersistent motivationWeight lossStrength and conditioningNutritional guidanceMuscle tone and developmentBody fat reductionBody confidence


Level 3 Personal Trainer

About me

My name is Tumise,

I am extremely passionate about all things health.

I have always been involved in sports and activities from a young age, mainly basketball, athletics, bodybuilding and calisthenics.

My uncle was a competitive bodybuilder and I followed in his footsteps competing in 2017 - 18. I became the BNBF (British natural bodybuilding federation) Welsh teen champion, BNBF British Teen champion and also competed as a junior u23 in the DFAC (Drug free athletes coalition) in Miami. I placed 1st, 1st and 2nd respectively!

After competing, I suffered a life threatening incident from a unknown lifelong underlying condition which hospitalised me for almost two weeks. I temporarily lost the ability to walk and had to re-learn how to walk unaided over the span of a few months.

Because of this I began to look at health and fitness in a more holistic way, deep diving into ways I could heal myself naturally.

This led me to where I am today, trying enthusiastically to share my love and passion for health and fitness and share my knowledge to as many people as possible and inspire people to overcome and heal from any adversities.

Contact me