Nathan  Townsend

Nathan Townsend

Free taster

Specialist areas

Postural correctionBespoke planPersistent motivationWeight lossNutritional guidanceMuscle tone and developmentInjury prevention and rehabilitationFunctional specialistBody fat reductionBody confidence


Level 3 Sport Science

About me


I specialise in helping anxious people come into the gym, and best of all, enjoy their time here. I completely understand how it feels to be too anxious to go somewhere; from the self doubt to the uneasy feeling in your stomach, it's something I've struggled with in the past.


the gym can be an intimidating place, especially when you're new or inexperienced. That's why I've used my degree in nutrition and my qualifications as a Personal Trainer to build a training program that will take you from being too anxious to go to the gym or use certain equipment, to feeling confident and strong wherever you go. I call this my 5 step confidence building method.

Weight Loss & Toning Up;

as well as saying goodbye to gym anxiety, most of my clients can expect to lose 7-12kg of body fat within their first 3 months. The best part? They keep it off forever by using my 5 step sustainability plan!

weight loss & toning up should be approached from a longevity and sustainability mindset - that's why I ensure I work on an in-depth 1-1 level with all of my clients to make sure they build the long term habits to support lifelong changes in their health & fitness.

Muscle Building & Strength;

because using weights can feel intimidating, I start from the very basics and make sure my clients are happy every step of the way. From learning to do your first push and pull up, to trying a deadlift for the first time, we do it all your pace. Building muscle and gaining strength will happen as part of the process.

On top of this, all of my clients are covered by my results pr 100% moneyback guarantee..

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