Harvey  Holt

Harvey Holt

Specialist areas

Bespoke planPersistent motivationWeight lossBody confidence


QUALIFICATIONSL3 Personal TrainerMental Health First AiderRelatable, Real-Life ExperienceSPECIALIST AREASOvercoming Emotional EatingConfidence and Lifestyle CoachLose 2 stone in 90 days

About me

Do you ever feel like weight loss is something of a mystery to most, feeling like you have to stick to bland boring meals and spend countless hours in the gym unsure of if what you are doing is going to work FOR YOU?

Through my own personal experience and the hundreds of people who I have had the pleasure to transform I will show you how the above is NOT true and to show you the exact steps, we take to lose weight and feel great, without having to cut out the things you love or sacrifice the social times you enjoy, because who wants to do that!?

Book your complimentary 1-2-1 Body Transformation session, where we will sit down and plan out the next steps on your journey and see how I can help you moving forward.

Contact me